Admission Procedures
Our intake criteria is based on an interview with the prospective client where his/her awareness and insight of problems, motivation to change and age are taken in to consideration. We house for 28 residents(both men & women) ages ranging between 18 – 60 years & staff strength of 20.
Duration of stay: Ranges from 6 months to 3 years depending
Interview and Tour:
A meeting is first scheduled with the Director and the Clinical Psychologist. The client and family tour the “house” and are taken through our treatment methods and process. The rules and expectations are stated, both for the benefit of the family and the resident. A written medical record is handed over.
A ‘buddy’ is assigned to all new residents, and this person provides support to the new person to help them adjust to the community. As the person’s emotional, physical and mental health begins to improve; they are able to begin the process of change. At the same time, they take on more responsibility within the community, ‘buddy’ other new residents, and take on work areas, such as head of the gardening or kitchen departments. In this way they learn how to be responsible, to practice positive behaviours and norms and to change self-defeating lifestyles.
A detailed history of the patient includes genetic background, socio-economic background, birth trauma, neurological problems, psychosexual history, drug or alcohol abuse, education, occupation, marital status etc. Mental Status Examination is also conducted to assess the person’s orientation, cognitive skills, awareness, level of reactivity etc.
Making a Contract with the Community – At the community meeting the new member makes a verbal contract in which he/she states that he/she will abide by the rules of the community, and, use the resources of the community to get well and help others get well.
Forming a Mentor Group:
This group consists of a few staff members who the person feels most comfortable with to guide them through their treatment process. The mentor group will closely work with the person right through his/ her treatment in the community. The mentor group meets to identify the person’s problems and set long and short term goals towards resolving these. Review meetings for evaluation are held once every 8 weeks. After this a suitable structure including the groups to be attended, which mentor to meet each day and community based responsibilities are assigned.
On intake into the community, a resident is administered with standardized psychological tests to assess the personality make up of the resident and where the person is at in terms of psychological well being. Following are some of the tests we administer: Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 1(MMPI-1), Bender Gestalt Test, Human figure drawing, Rorschach, Sentence completion test, Problem solving test, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, IDEAS and DAS, Hamilton’s Anxiety Rating Scale and Hamilton’s Depression Rating Scale etc.
Family Involvement and Therapy which prepares the resident to move out of the community in a phased manner so they can complete their education or get suitable employment.
Farewell – this is organized at the end of the persons stay at ASV. This is a big affair in the community as each person’s getting well is celebrated by everybody.
Follow up – the residents keep in touch with the community through telephone, e-mail, letters and visits. They will always be members of the larger family.